there's no pain like cubs pain. [ht: Indiana]
As a lifelong Cards fan, I can honestly say......I don't feel your pain.As a matter of fact, as a lifelong Cards fan......I thoroughly enjoy your pain.Scratch that...The only thing that consoles me almost year that the Cards do not win the World Series is that the Cubs did worse.
That last sentence above should read...The only thing that consoles me almost year after year that the Cards do not win the W.S. is that the Cubs did worse.
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As a lifelong Cards fan, I can honestly say...
...I don't feel your pain.
As a matter of fact, as a lifelong Cards fan...
...I thoroughly enjoy your pain.
Scratch that...
The only thing that consoles me almost year that the Cards do not win the World Series is that the Cubs did worse.
That last sentence above should read...
The only thing that consoles me almost year after year that the Cards do not win the W.S. is that the Cubs did worse.
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