Wednesday, November 8

Haggard: what can you do?

Two fantastic posts on the Ted Haggard scandal. The first is Rick Phillips' article at Ref21 entitled "Just Like Ted Haggard?" A brief excerpt:

It seems to me that the blogosphere reaction to the Ted Haggard scandal is breaking two ways. On one side are those who utterly denounce the man and see in him a glaring example of everything wrong in popular evangelicalism today. On the other side are those who want to stress that we are all rotten sinners "just like Ted Haggard" and that the only evangelical response is to mourn over one's own sin. As usual, there is something good and something troubling about both positions.
Please read the whole thing.

Also, Justin Taylor has been kind enough to convice Crossway to post CJ Mahaney's fantastic (and, in hindsight, prophetic) message entitled "The Pastor's Priorities".

This very readable essay is hereby REQUIRED READING for anyone in ministry today. Please, do yourself and the kingdom a kindness, and carefully read the essay.

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