Tuesday, November 8

thoughts on hymns and choruses

Here's some dialoge I've been having over at Reformissionary. I really like this blog from Steve McCoy. He wrote . . .:

Here's my challenge. Would someone please name 5 modern worship songs with good content, something equal to the old hymns?

It's not that I don't think it can be done, I just want someone to actually try it. Most all of us could name at least 10-15 good old hymns with solid content. Can you name 5 modern songs with good content? The "new hymns" spoken of above are not acceptable answers.

And listen, there are some hymns that suck hard. No question. But generally speaking, I think there is little comparison between most modern worship stuff vs hymns as far as content goes.

I'd humbly offer these as examples of the best of this new generation.

“Mission’s Flame” by Matt Redman (Soul Survivor)
“Great and Precious Promises” by Mark Altrogge (Sovereign Grace)
“Humble King” by Brenton Brown (Vineyard)
“Wonderful Maker” by Chris Tomlin (Passion)
“Knowing You” by Graham Kendrick (Thank-you Music)

I think the main problem with contemporary choruses isn’t (mainly) that they have bad theology or that they don’t have enough “content”, but instead that most of them (as far as I can tell) deal with the same 3% of the Christian life. "We love God. God is awesome." Both very true. . . but is that all? Where are the songs of brokenness and repentence? Then again, where are brokenness and repentence in the modern church?


Jeremy said...

What about "In Christ Alone" by Stuart Townsend, and "Before the Throne of God Above" as a few others. And I know you don't want to blow your own horn, but "The First Place" ranks among the top as well!

Matthew Westerholm said...

Thanks for the kind words, Jeremy! If you follow the whole post, those songs were mentioned as "new hymns" and distingished from choruses.

Word Verification: ewuleve - the result of the words "eukelele" and "twelve" are crammed together.

Jeremy said...

Thanks for the clarification... I guess I should have read the whole thing before opening my big mouth. :-) I think Louie Giglio said it best when he said, "We don't sing choruses vs. hymns... we sing the songs of the church, young and old."

Word Verification: zhslwbgj... I have no idea.