Friday, October 7

D.A. Carson - free online audio links

The Ironies of the Cross

"The Intolerance of Tolerance," part one

"The Intolerance of Tolerance," part two

What is the Emergent Church

The Emergent Church: Its Weaknesses

On Being Prepared for Suffering and Evil part 1, March 7, 2005

On Being Prepared for Suffering and Evil part 2, March 8, 2005

on the NPP (downloads VERY slow)
Lecture 1
Lecture 2
Lecture 3

Southern Baptist Seminary Chapels
"Hard Texts: Why Does Hebrews Cite the Old Testament Like That?" Pt 1
"Hard Texts: Why Does Hebrews Cite the Old Testament Like That?" Pt 2
"Hard Texts: Why Does Hebrews Cite the Old Testament Like That?" Pt 3
Doubting Thomas

The Round Church at St Andrew the Great Cambridge
3 messages found here
Why Trust a Cross?
Postmodernism, pt. 1
Postmodernism, pt. 2

The Role of the Elder, from 9marks

messages are also available for quite affordable purchase from Dr. Carson's own excellent website, here.

5 messages preached at All Souls Church, Langham Place are found (via free regestration) here.


Cornerstone University Chapel, September 15, 2004


Mick Porter said...

Thanks for posting these! I linked from my blog today.

BTW, the third URL of the Hebrews lectures is actually pointing to the wrong file (both parts 2 and 3 are pointing to part 2).

jmark said...

Hi there,

The Carson files onthe emergent church are missing from the website. Any chance you could post tehm somewhere?


Anonymous said...

Working link to the All Souls sermons is here.