Wednesday, November 19

FOCA Petition

From B2W, Fight FOCA.

Consider signing the Fight FOCA [Freedom of Choice Act] Petition.

No matter your political persuasion or feeling on the role of politics, it's a simple thing you can do to help fight against this legislation, which would:
eradicate state and federal laws that the majority of Americans support, such as:
  • Bans on Partial Birth Abortion
  • Requirements that women be given information about the risks of getting an abortion
  • Only licensed physicians can perform abortions
  • Parents must be informed and give consent to their minor daughter's abortion
FOCA would erase these laws and prevent states from enacting similar protective measures in the future.


mattstephenskc said...

Done, bro. Thanks for getting the word out. God bless you.

Matthew Westerholm said...

wow, dude. That profile pic changed my life. :-)

missing you.